Singing with Seasonal Allergies
Singers know that it can be a delicate balance to maintain good vocal health. We need our vocal folds to be healthy and hydrated. We prefer our sinuses clear. We don't want too much mucus or too much congestion. So when spring allergies come into play, it can become pretty difficult to maintain our vocal health. Here are some important things to keep in mind when dealing with Spring allergies:
Stay hydrated 🎶 Allergies can cause a scratchy, itchy throat. But even when we have a lot of added congestion or mucus we need to maintain a high level of hydration. Upping your water intake during allergy attacks can be so helpful.
Select the right allergy medication 🎶 Antihistamines can be crucial to helping with bad seasonal allergies. However, some over the counter allergy treatments can be overly drying to the vocal folds. This can lead to more hoarseness or laryngitis. Consult your primary Healthcare provider or an allergist about the right medication for your specific allergies.
Invest in a good humidifier 🎶 As the weather heats up, we often don't think of using a humidifier. Many will only use them in fall and winter when it is dry indoors. However, maintaining a good level of humidity in your bedroom or all over your home can help combat scratchy, itchy, irritated vocal folds.
Balance your vocal use 🎶 Make sure your practice sessions include regular breaks, it is also wise to work in time for vocal rest. When we are trying to tend to our vocal health, rest is often the best option. Finding time in your schedule for total vocal silence can be the rest needed to help our voices from getting over used.