Let’s sing together!
Schedule a lesson:
30 minute lessons are perfect for singers who are just starting out or have some basic background in singing. Do you enjoy singing in your free time? Or have participated in a choir but don’t quite feel confidant singing on your own? This lesson length helps you get started taking a deeper look into singing. It is also great for those who want to build on their music theory background and ear training. Lessons will be shaped to fit your own uniquevocal goals.
45 minute lessons are a great option for singers who feel confident enough in their sense of pitch and vocal technique that they want to push themselves a little further by learning harder repertoire. 45 minutes gives us the ability to focus more on how we apply the vocal technique we are learning to music that is more challenging than what was previously being studied.
60 minute lessons are best for singers who have been studying privately for some time. Having a full hour can help refine the technique that has been learned previously while taking on repertoire that pushes the student to become a stronger solo musician. This option is for a student who is interested in studying the voice in depth and/or participating in elite singing groups or preparing for performances.
All lessons are structured similarly and revolve around the idea that vocal technique is the core of our studies. What we learn is then applied to the music selections chosen for study. Lessons can be scheduled biweekly, once a week, or twice a week. Let’s discuss your background and goals so that we can find the right lesson length for you. In order to hold your lesson time for each week, payment is made at the beginning of each month. Make up lessons are always offered when the student plans to reschedule in advance or when the teacher has to cancel. I am currently teaching in-person and virtual lessons. Lessons online are convenient and allow for added ease of rescheduling.
My cozy in-home studio.
Griffin, 4 year old Maine Coon