No Whispering Zone
Many people mistake whispering for something that is easier on the voice than actual talking. This is a big misunderstanding. Whispering too much for too long or whispering while vocally tired or sick can actually cause more vocal fatigue than regular speaking can. When we speak we want steady breath flow moving evenly through relaxed but closed vocal folds to create an easy, yet full sound. However, when we whisper we typically are holding our vocal folds open and forcing air out quickly. This creates the quiet, breathy sound. Keeping our vocal folds in this position can be very tiring and cause too much tension in the vocal folds. So keep this in mind the next time your voice is tired after a long rehearsal or you're experiencing vocal discomfort while sick. In these situations the best option is vocal rest. However, if one must speak, it is better to speak with full voice and plenty of breath support than it is to whisper.