Are they called vocal cords or vocal folds?
The answer is … YES! The common name for the parts of our voice box that vibrate together to make sound is vocal cords. Most singers and even doctors will use this term. However, when you look up the definition, the Oxford Dictionary states that they are: “folds of membranous tissue that project inward from the sides of the larynx to form a slit across the glottis in the throat, and whose edges vibrate in the airstream to produce the voice.” The word folds is more of a anatomical term and it better describes the actual makeup of the body part. Since they are not made of the same or even similar material to say our spinal cord, it is more technically correct to refer to them as vocal folds. So either term is fine! But if you’re wanting to show off your understanding of the larynx and its parts, calling them vocal folds is the way to go!